magnetic south

when i decided that i was in fact going to return to the motherland and put the unfolding of my southamerican life on pause, i knew i couldnt leave without spending some time in patagonia. I´ve been completely fascinated by the extremity of it for years... the intense beauty, the neccesity of adventure and the almost unbelievable landscapes that i, to this point, experienced only second-hand through photographs and legendary stories.
i bought my ticket to the furthest south in chile i could get... Punta Arenas "the edge of the earth" and am making my way north right now. I´m hoping to spend the next two weeks exploring around. First to the cuernos and guanacos of Torres del Paine for 4 or 5 days then hopping over to El Chalten Argentina to visit Fitz Roy (from the groundlevel) and see the Perito Moreno glacier. I´m spending tomorrow in town collecting all of the gear, maps, fuel and food ill need for the next week or so. Im solo at this point, thinking maybe ill meet some interesting travel companions along the way, which usually happens, but if not thats okay too.
So far? Its COOOLD!! But beautiful. On the bus ride from Punta Arenas to Puerto Natales today the highway ran along the water for a while and it really did look like the end of the world, the ocean came right up to meet the golden windswept land. No waves or anything, it just looked convex as if the water was about to spill over if not for some unseen force holding it all together.
So ill be gone from the blog for a while but in the meantime thought I´d leave you with some photos of what I might be seeing along the way...

the cuernos, torres del paine


puma! (she doesnt look hungry does she?)

fitz roy peaks at first light
Jealous jealous jealous. I am jealous! I hope you are seeing beautiful things and having fabulous days. Can't wait to hear all about it in August! I'm just plugging along over here in Boston, but managing to escape to the mountains or the ocean most weekends. Trying to keep my priorities straight. =)
Hope you are having an amazing time!
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